where our foundation is based on the Bible.
I Believe and Expect,
Great Things to Happen In My Life
HE is Great
Greatness Resides in Me.
It is a great privilege and honor to have this opportunity to welcome you to Bible Based Church. It is my sincerest prayer that you will richly grow in spiritual maturity based on the Word and works of God.
On the eighth day of the eighth month in the year of our Lord 2010, Almighty God declared to me that it was time to officially launch the Bible Based Church into the now. Although the first word spoken about what we know today as Bible Based Church was given in 2006, it was not the Lord’s will for the ministry to be fully released until 2010. In obedience to God, we stepped out from a place of comfort and familiarity to a place unknown to the natural eyesight. Since the launch of the church, we have experienced some roadblocks, some transitional moments, and some doubters. However, despite the roadblocks, the transitional moments and especially the doubters, the Lord has continuously favored us with showers of blessings because of our loyalty to the vision.
No one person can take credit for the wonders of our God. As I have shared in many conversations, upon the launch of the ministry, I was only assured of three members – Elect Lady Tikia, Darrick II and Miss Tania. But, because I know God makes provision for any vision He gives, trusting was made easy. Every opportunity I am blessed to enjoy at the Bible Based Church is an extreme honor and privilege. The Lord could have chosen anyone else, but He chose and trusted me. With a commitment to excellence in ministry, we have the satisfaction of knowing we are pleasing the Lord in our service.
The Bible Based Church was never birthed in my spirit to be or launched just to be another church. We were not established by the Spirit of God just to meet and have “good” service. Our vision has been and will always be to build a strong bible-based foundational ministry that is designed to prepare and equip Believers for Christian discipleship and community service.
As the under-shepherd of the best local church, I forever commit to you that Jesus will always be the primary focus of all worship experiences.
-Pastor D
The Bible Based Church Tallahassee (BBC) envisions building a strong bible-based foundational ministry that is designed to prepare and equip Believers for Christian discipleship and community service.
We are a local church serving the local community through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
At Bible Based Church Tallahassee we are challenged to change lives and communities through the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spreading His love in a humanistic manner. Challenged to own property that will be used to further the advancement of the ministry, such as: the establishment of a Christ-centered youth educational training center for our youth to grow and flourish; development of a job training center to assist with job placement and professional development; creation of a family life center for community-based and ministry-based events; and the start of a food pantry used to minister to the natural hunger of our homeless and less fortunate friends.
We believe
BBC Board of Directors
Deacon Charles T. Harden - Chair
Pastor Daniel Whitfield - Vice Chair
Mrs. Tikia McGhee - Secretary
Dr. Faye Weems-Singleton
Mr. Junious Brown, III - Church Attorney
Darrick D. McGhee, Sr. – Pastor (ex officio)
BBC Ministry of Ministers
•Minister Adriene Hampton-Webster
•Minister Darrell Howard, Jr.
•Minister Larae Lauray
•Minister Ayesha Waters
•Minister Marco Waters
•Reverend Al Williams
•Minister Kenneth Webster
BBC Ministry of Deacons and Deaconess
•Deacon Carlos Brown
•Deacon Romero Dill
•Deacon Anastasius Grant
•Deacon Charles T. Harden
•Deacon Rodney Henry, Sr.
•Deacon Victor Hill
•Deacon Amos Long
•Deacon Vince McCoy
•Deacon Oakland Rhodes
•Deaconess Bera Brown
•Deaconess Nikela Dill
•Deaconess Courtney Grant
•Deaconess Eddye Harden
•Deaconess Bashaun Henry
•Deaconess Latasha Long
•Deaconess Marsha Hill
•Deaconess Tiffany Houston
•Deaconess Kimberly Rhodes
BBC Ministry of Church Mothers (Titus 2:3-5)
•Mother Corine Moton
•Mother Annie Wilson
•Mother Eddye Harden
•Mother Ozetta Littles
BBC Dispatching the Membership
Deacon/Deaconess | Assigned Last Names |
Deacon Charles and Deaconess Eddye Harden | A - C |
Deacon Carlos and Deaconess Bera Brown | D - F |
Deacon Victor and Deaconess Marsha Hill | G - I |
Deacon Amos and Deaconess Latasha Long | J - L |
Deacon Romero and Deaconess Nikela Dill | M - O |
Deacon Anastasius and Deaconess Courtni Grant | P - R |
Deacon Oakland and Deaconess Kimberly Rhodes | S - U |
Deacon Rodney and Deaconess Bashaun Henry | V - Z |
Deacon Vince McCoy and Deaconess Tiffany Houston | Seasoned Saints |
Serving in ministry at Bible Based Church begins with understanding our spiritual gifts. A spiritual gift is a special divine empowerment bestowed on each believer by the Holy Spirit to accomplish ministry God's way within the context of the body of Christ.
In other words, our spiritual gifts are given by God through the Holy Spirit to accomplish the work of ministry as God sees fit. Believers are called to act as stewards of these gifts and use them to glorify God and to serve others.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10 NIV).
Servant Leader: Mr. William Lester
In excellence, the purpose of the Addiction Ministry is to provide weekly Christ-centered small groups providing support to current and former addicts, and those desiring to learn about addiction and recovery.
Servant Leader: TBD
In excellence, the purpose of the Bereavement Ministry is to provide care and comfort for bereaved families of the congregation, through a time of fellowship, in conjunction with home-going worship services; and to extend comfort in other gestures following the passing of a loved one.
Join the Bereavement Ministry at 11:00AM on the 2nd Saturdays of the following months: February, April, June, August, and October.
Servant Leader: Minister Larae Lauray
In excellence, the purpose of the Church and Community Connection Ministry is to provide oversight of the BBC Food Pantry; Assist with vetting benevolence requests; Coordinate community efforts with Gibbs Oakridge Village; lead the Local School Partnerships; Coordinate partnership with Big Bend Continuum of Care; Coordinate partnership with Second Harvest; Spearhead the free food and clothing distribution for hungry and persons without homes events twice a year; and Community evangelism through telling people about Jesus Christ, help people know Him, lead them to salvation, and invite them to Bible Based Church for worship.
Servant Leader: Minister Ayesha Waters
Co-Servant Leader: Ms. Sherill Johnson
In excellence, the purpose of the Dance Ministry is to worship the Lord and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through dance, both adult and youth, male and female.
Servant Leaders: Pastor D and Lady T
In excellence, the purpose of the Education Ministry is designed to develop and enhance students’ competencies and skills in the core school subjects, coordinating the ministry newsletter, and leading the graduation and honor roll recognitions.
Servant Leader: Mrs. Avrial Keaton
Co-Servant Leader: Mrs. Latasha Arnold
In excellence, the purpose of the First Touch Ministry, which consists of the first people worshipers encounter upon arrival at Bible Based Church, reflect the spirit of Christian service and love for all who enter for worship, greet and seat worshipers, and provide other comforts to facilitate the worship experience.
Servant Leader: Deaconess Tiffany Houston
In excellence, the purpose of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry is to lift the Bible Based Church congregation of believers who actively engage in all manners of prayers with the demonstration of God’s anointing in healing, deliverance, and direction—resulting in a greater intimacy in worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Its mission is to witness the compassion and Lordship of Jesus Christ as it is manifested through fervent, effectual prayer.
Join the Intercessory Prayer Ministry on the 2nd Saturdays of each Month @ 8:30am.
Servant Leader: Minister Marco Waters
In excellence, the purpose of the Justice Ministry is to provide a voice of advocacy and righteousness in the fight to combat injustices in the Tallahassee/Leon County community for all of God's people to the end that justice rolls down like a river, and righteousness like a never-failing stream
Servant Leader: Deacon Amos Long, Jr.
In excellence, the purpose of the Man-U-Script Ministry is to form a fellowship of Christian men toward the end of redeeming humanity back to God and utilizing shared experiences toward the aim of helping each other move from faith to faith in the daily Christian experience. The ministry further aims to guide participants in Christian service, through their gifts, to make a difference in the world, particularly by sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others.
Join the Man-U-Script Ministry on the 3rd Mondays of each Month @ 6:30pm for Men’s Small Group.
Servant Leaders: Pastor D and Lady T
In excellence, the purpose of the Marriage Ministry is to provide Biblical teaching, support and encouragement to engaged and married couples, with the goal of facilitating fulfillment of God’s plan for the covenant relationship of marriage.
Join the Marriage Ministry on the 1st Thursday of Each Quarter (January, April, July, October) @ 7:00PM for Married Couples Small Group.
Servant Leader: Deacon Vince McCoy
In excellence, the purpose of the Media Ministry is serving God and the church by enhancing the worship experience through visual media, lighting, and sound. The ministry is composed of four units, which include: video, lighting, audio, and radio broadcast. These units function as separate entities, but ultimately work together towards our common goal.
Servant Leader: Mrs. Shaurita Jackson
In excellence, the purpose of the Music Ministry is to lead the congregation of Bible Based Church in worship through the ministry of song, the utilization of instruments, and musical presentation for the Glory of God.
Join the Music Ministry every Tuesday @ 7:00pm.
Servant Leader: Deacon Carlos Brown
In excellence, the purpose of the Nehemiah Security Ministry takes on various responsibilities aimed at enhancing overall safety. This includes assisting congregants with parking and traffic control on Sunday mornings, conducting regular inspections, participating in training sessions, and being prepared to respond swiftly in emergency situations.
Servant Leader: Sister Gwen Allen
In excellence, the purpose of the New Family Members Ministry is to welcome and help orient new family members to their part in the Christian witness and work of Bible Based Church.
Servant Leader: Ms. Bridgett Jackson
In excellence, the purpose of the Nursery Ministry is to provide a safe environment that allows parents to worship freely and engage in ministry events with the knowledge that their babies are in good hands. Our nursery is staffed by experienced workers who have cleared background checks.
Nursery is open every Sunday but 4th Sundays.
Servant Leaders: Deacon Amos and Deaconess Latasha Long
In excellence, the purpose of Rebirth Ministry is to empower young adults (ages 18 - 39) through wise Biblical teaching, social interaction, community outreach to expand the Kingdom of God, and
with additional activities that are planned throughout the year.
Join the Rebirth Ministry on the 4th Mondays of each Month @ 6:30pm for Collegiate and Young Adult’s Small Group.
Servant Leaders: Pastor D and Lady T
In excellence, the purpose of the Seasoned Saints Ministry is to serve adults (60+) who love the Lord and have an interest in enhancing their spiritual maturity and develop a healthy lifestyle through Bible study, field trips, and special project support for church-wide ministry.
Servant Leader: Lady T
In excellence, the purpose of the Sister-2-Sister Ministry is to minister to women, 18 years & older, in a safe and loving environment, build a close and authentic Sisterhood, encourage them to grow in their walk with God and others, help them to discover and flow in their God-given spiritual gifts, equip them for faithful service, and partner with God in His Work through Worship, Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Community Service.
Join the Sister-2-Sister Ministry on the 2nd Thursdays of the month @ 6:30pm for Women’s Small Group.
Servant Leader: Minister Adriene Hampton-Webster
In excellence, the Sunday School Ministry serves as a weekly platform for learners to explore the Bible every Sunday morning.
Servant Leaders: Minister Darrell and Mrs. Theresa Howard
In excellence, the purpose of the Transformers Ministry is ministering to the spiritual, educational, and recreational needs of youth from prekindergarten through high school students that attend Bible Based Church. The ministry meets for special occasions throughout the year.
·Every 2nd and 3rd Sunday: Elementary Class (K-5th Graders)
oThe Middle School (Tweens), and High School (Teens) Groups remain in the sanctuary for regular services.
·Tween Talk (Middle School Small Group) - Every 2nd Sunday (after church)
·Teen Talk (High School Small Group) - Every 4th Sunday (after church)
Servant Leaders: Minister Darrell and Mrs. Theresa Howard
In excellence, Vacation Bible School Ministry takes place every June, and is fun for ALL ages!
Servant Leader: Mrs. Courtni Grant
Co-Servant Leader: Mrs. Kristy Young
In excellence, the purpose of the Wellness Ministry is for keeping Bible Based Church physically fit with our 5th Sundays church-wide workouts, Sunday health moments, organize several activities throughout the year, and health partnerships such as Alter, which provides a forum for primary caregivers and family members who support loved ones with Alzheimer's and dementia-related illnesses.
Online Giving
One of the fundamental aspects of tithing lies in its capacity to cultivate gratitude and abundance. When individuals willingly share a portion of what they have, they affirm their trust in the abundance of the God and recognize their privilege to be in a position to give.
Our foundation is based on the Bible
9:00AM (Sunday School) & 10:00AM (Worship Encounter)
Weekday Service(s)
Wednesday in the Word @ 7:00PM
Telephone: (850) 270-9799 |
Church E-mail: biblebasedchurch@hotmail.com
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 7625
Tallahassee, FL 32314-7625
Website designed and maintained by A&O Design Solutions